Monday, December 11, 2006

Meeting Notes 12/11/2006 The Mental Adjustment

It's difficult to grasp this point today, but I really feel that it is the one thing that separates those who succeed and those who don't. Tonight we talked about the mental aspect of weight loss.

Every single day is a new start. If you fail one day, get right back up again. You can't let one day ruin a week for you. Every day you should focus on your individual goals like it's your first day.

Keep focused on your goals. The mental is the biggest part. You can’t stick with the eating part without the mental aspect. You can’t stick out with the workout part without the mental aspect. You have to continue to stay focused.

What is the secret to being mentally prepared? There isn’t one. You have just have to want it bad enough. You have to treasure it and crave it in order to make it happen. You have to want the long term goal more than the temptation in front of you. The difference between those who make it and those who don't are the people that make it are able to focus on the long term goal.

There are numerous diets out there, and studies have shown that the results have been virtually the same no matter what diet you do. You have to find what works for you, and stick with it. You have to find the one that you can stay motivated on all the way through your results.

You have to be willing to stay focused on the goal at hand. You will probably have to give up something in order to stick with it. You must sell out totally and be willing to give up everything to do it. Something clicks and you will be determined no matter what the situation.

What will it take to get you that motivated? Do you have to throw away your old clothes? When there is no going back, you will find a way to make thing happen.

Mental Surrender!

What was the last thing that you really wanted in life? I mean really wanted. Something you had to sacrifice for. You were so determined that you were willing to do anything it took to get there. I recently heard about a husband and wife that paid off all of their debt in 17 months. 17 months! They had to be eating crackers and drinking water for that to happen, but they were so desperate to pay off their bills, their cars, their home, that they were willing to give up everything else for it. Do you want it that bad? Are you so completely sold out and determined to lose weight that you can say nothing else matters?

Is it really that serious? Does it have to be that extreme? If you are asking that or have tried in the past to lose weight and just couldn't make it happen, then yes it is that extreme. You have to burn everything behind you and be determined that there is no going back. If it means taking your money and putting a certain amount away each week, and promising yourself that you can only have it back if you lose the weight, then that just might motivate you. At the end if you don't make it, donate it to an organization of your choice. But if you stay focused, and what you were putting aside was precious to you, you would find a way to make it happen.

Eventually there just something that clicks. And when you reach that point, no matter what comes your way, it doesn't phase you. You end up sacrificing to make sure you eat right. You find ways to get workouts in, even when you don't feel like doing it. Something has to click though. Until it does, it will be a struggle, but once it does, you will never be the same again.

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Jason Hodge

Certified Personal Trainer
Medical Exercise Specialist

Bringing over 13 years of personal training experience to the Katy, TX area, Jason Hodge strives to improve the health of local residents by helping them lose weight and eliminate pain. While Jason has numerous educational accomplishments, he feels that his greatest asset is his concern for others. Trying to lose or get out of pain is a very tough journey, physically and emotionally. It is my committment to help everyone that I can.

Jason Hodge has been featured in:

  • Katy Magazine
  • Absolutely Katy Magazine
  • Houston Chronicle

Jason Hodge also:

  • Has Been featured twice on a national radio show
  • Leads the Katy Chamber Health and Wellness Committee
  • 2007 Katy Sun Readers' Choice Award - Personal Trainer of the Year
  • 2008 Katy Sun Readers' Choice Award - Personal Trainer of the Year
His education experience includes:
  • Bachelors in Kinesiology
  • Coopers' Institute Certified Personal Trainer
  • NASM - Certified Personal Trainer
  • NASM - Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • NASM - Certified Performance Enhancement Specialist
  • Titleist Performance Institute - Golf Fitness Instructor
  • AAHFRP - Medical Exercise Specialist
If you are looking for a personal trainer, contact me today.