Sunday, December 09, 2007

Overweight Kids are at a Higher Risk of Developing Heart Disease

This may or may not seem like common sense, but it's important none the less. If a child is overweight they are automatically at a higher risk of developing heart disease.

Did you know that the children that are born today have a lower life expectancy than their parents?

I'll let that sink in. You can read more of this story when you get a chance.

Can you be fat and fit?

This is something that I am a big believer don't have to have a perfect shape to be in good health. It turns out that if you have healthy habits, even if you are a little overweight, you cut your chance of dying in half. You don't have to be perfect. You just have to do healthy things and you will find yourself healthier with time.

Related Stories:
Being Fat is ok as Long as you are fit

Cardiovascular Fitness Outdoes BMI as a Mortality Predictor

Fit Beats Fat for a Longer Life

Whose fault is it if the kids don't like vegetables?

This is an interesting story that I am sure will have many people who will protest it's accuracy. Studies are showing that the foods that mothers eat when pregnancy or during breast feeding will determine what foods their child will develop a taste for later in life. If you are eating broccoli and brussel sprouts when the child is absorbing the nutrients, they will end up enjoying the same types of foods. I would really like to see this study done on twins to see just how accurate it really is. Read more

Houston is among the top Walk Friendly cities in the United States

It's interesting how we always hear that Houston was one of the fattest cities in the United States, but here is something a little easier to swallow. Houston was #21 on the most Pedestrian Friendly cities in the US.

METRO-AREA RANKINGSA Brookings Institution survey ranks the 30 biggest metropolitan areas according to the number of "walkable urban places" relative to the area's population:
1. Washington
2. Boston
3. San Francisco
4. Denver
5. Portland, Ore.
6. Seattle
7. Chicago
8. Miami
9. Pittsburgh
10. New York
11. San Diego
12. Los Angeles
13. Philadelphia
14. Atlanta
15. Baltimore
16. St. Louis
17. Minneapolis
18. Detroit
19. Columbus, Ohio
20. Las Vegas
21. Houston
22. San Antonio
23. Kansas City, Mo.
24. Orlando, Fla.
25. Dallas
26. Phoenix
27. Sacramento, Calif.
28. Cincinnati
29. Cleveland
30. Tampa, Fla.
— Associated Press

More Information

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Pedometers will encourage you to walk further

Sometimes it amazes me that there are stories that state the obvious. Pedometers are designed to encourage you to walk more, and it turns's true. Two published articles explain a little more about it. The New York Times and the San Francisco Chronicle.

The stories state that they found that people walked an average of 2,000 steps more when they wear a pedometer than when they don't. It's basically about accountability and pedometers are a great way to keep yourself accountable. I have one that I wear every day and it's fun to see how you do. Take a look at the stories, and if you get a pedometer, I highly suggest the accusplit. It's been extremely reliable, sturdy, and doesn't fall off or move around a lot. If you are looking for a way to be more active, this is a great for you to get started.

Smoking Ban Decreases Heart Attacks!

There's a county in Indiana that banned smoking to see what kind of effect it would have on heart attacks in the area. In just a short 22 months, there were statistically lower amounts of heart attacks. It's a pretty interesting story. If you would like more information, here is the article.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Heart Disease is Increasing for Those Under 45

America, we need to wakeup! Do we not see the signs of an increase in deaths due to heart disease? It's amazing how we think we are "fixing" the problem of cardiovascular disease and diabetes by medicating people, but it doesn't seem to be working for some reason. It's very simple why it doesn't work. It's putting a band-aid on something that needs to be completely redone. We have to take personal responsibility for ourselves and start doing things that we know reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Why aren't we promoting being physically active and eating proper foods? Genetics, obesity, and high cholesterol are the main reasons they say that 700,000 people die from heart disease in America every year. I'm sorry, but I feel that genetics are used as an excuse way too often for people. I know that genetics play a role, but most of the people that use genetics as an excuse, really have bad lifestyle habits that people that they learned from their parents. Heart disease is preventable. Heart disease is preventable. Did I mention that heart disease is preventable? It's not about overmedicating. It's about taking personal responsibility for our health and doing what we need to do to reverse our risk of developing the often fatal, heart disease.

I'm sorry, but there's no reason for me to sugar-coat the truth. If you care about your health, it is truly your responsibility to make sure you take care of it. I can tell you that if you take care of yourself, you can lower your chance of developing heart disease. I can even tell you what to do to take care of your health. The question is, what responsibility are you willing to take for your health?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Meaning of Life

I have moments when I can't help but think about why I am here on this earth, and what my purpose really is. Some people never discover it. I thank God that He has directed me to knowing what my purpose in life is.

I see so many people that are hurting or dying and they sometimes don't see a way out. They really don't see any chance of changing their life, and that's where I have the opportunity to come in and help. I can't help everyone, and I realize that. I also know that it's not me that helps them, but the power of God that does it. I'm just merely there to be used by God. It's hard when you see some people who seem to have just given up on life. They have reached the end of their rope, and they don't see any hope. As long as there is breath within your body, there is hope. The greatest thing that can happen to an individual who is struggling is to realize that there really is hope for them. They need to know they are not alone, and that there is a path that can rescue them. It saddens me when I see people who are slowly killing their body. They either don't know, don't care, or have no clue how to be different than the way they are. There are so many lies floating around the Health and Fitness industry. It's absolutely horrible how many people are in it just to make a buck. But it's not just the people in my industry that are the problem. We have companies that make junk food and fast food and promote it like crazy while our kids are developing diabetes and high blood pressure. We have politicians that want to find the best way to line their pocket in the midst of laws that are passed or not passed that could save lives. We have drug companies that do nothing but promote medicating and doctors push the pills of the best compensating drug companies. But no matter what kind of corruption is out there, it still depends on the person to step and take responsibility for their own health. Learn what you are eating. Understand how lifestyle affects your kids.

If I am remembered for nothing else in life, I hope I impact people in a way that will change their view of their health and that they influence at least one other life as well. I believe lives can be changed. I believe more memories can be created as more people live longer. I believe more Christians can witness to and help more people the better they take care of themselves, and therefore live longer. Did you realize that some people never go to fast food restaurants? That's a shock to a lot of people. Can you imagine if everyone only visited the fast food restaurants 2 times a year? I live for the day that the fast food restaurants begin to hurt like the smoking industry now hurts. It would show that people are taking responsibility for their own health.

I don't like that the writers are having to strike in CA to get paid, but in a way I'm really glad it's happening. With shows going to re-runs. I really hope that more people begin to turn off their televisions and take care of their body. That would be great!

I want to make an impact on someone every day. I pray that the day that I die, that people will remember the things I have taught them, and that they have the oppotunity to do the things that I taught them.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

The order of doing exercises. Is it important?

There are so many people that don't realize that the order in which you do physical activity makes a big difference on the success (or lack thereof) of your results. Take for instant something like posture deviations in our body, which occur over time causing/resulting from incorrect movement patterns. So I always suggest people start with a foam roller, followed up by stretching, some basic corrective exercises, and then a warmup. This is so important because if you start warming up before you have stretched the proper muscles, it could cause you to use the wrong muscles the entire workout, thus limiting your desired results.

To make this more simple....let's say you are doing a normal workout and have a desire to tone up and lose weight. The best solution is to begin with a simple warmup, followed up by your strength training. Begin with the large muscle groups and work down to the smaller muscle groups. Follow that up with your cardio and use that to focus on your fat burning. Taking it out of order can make it harder to see your results over time.

I'll try to do an article on this on in the near future.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

NYC's Calorie Rule

NYC has an amazing plan, in my opinion. They just set up restaurants to post the number of calories in their meals so that everyone can see what they are going to be ingesting before they ingest it. Take a look at the article from the NY Times.

If you would like to learn more about calories, take a glance at the article on

Monday, October 15, 2007

Well I've been working on my website and it's been a challenge. I have so many things that I am working on, and writing for my blog, my website, Katy Magazine, and various other projects has been tough. I will find a balance one day though.

I am hoping to start working on a book soon. For those that know me, you know how long I have been talking about that now. It's one of those things that I know is important, but it seems like there are a lot of things that I am working on that are important. Prioritizing can be tough sometimes.

I work really well when I have requests though. If there is something you would like to see or learn more about, let me know. I'd love to see what everyone is looking for and meet that need.

This is all for now. Stay tuned and I hope to post again sooner than I have in the past.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Soft Drinks May Seriously Harm Your Health

Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health
Expert links additive to cell damage
By Martin Hickman, Consumer Affairs Correspondent
Published: 27 May 2007

A new health scare erupted over soft drinks last night amid evidence they may cause serious cell damage. Research from a British university suggests a common preservative found in drinks such as Fanta and Pepsi Max has the ability to switch off vital parts of DNA.

The problem - more usually associated with ageing and alcohol abuse - can eventually lead to cirrhosis of the liver and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's.

The findings could have serious consequences for the hundreds of millions of people worldwide who consume fizzy drinks. They will also intensify the controversy about food additives, which have been linked to hyperactivity in children.

Concerns centre on the safety of E211, known as sodium benzoate, a preservative used for decades by the £74bn global carbonated drinks industry. Sodium benzoate derives from benzoic acid. It occurs naturally in berries, but is used in large quantities to prevent mould in soft drinks such as Sprite, Oasis and Dr Pepper. It is also added to pickles and sauces.Sodium benzoate has already been the subject of concern about cancer because when mixed with the additive vitamin C in soft drinks, it causes benzene, a carcinogenic substance. A Food Standards Agency survey of benzene in drinks last year found high levels in four brands which were removed from sale.

Now, an expert in ageing at Sheffield University, who has been working on sodium benzoate since publishing a research paper in 1999, has decided to speak out about another danger. Professor Peter Piper, a professor of molecular biology and biotechnology, tested the impact of sodium benzoate on living yeast cells in his laboratory. What he found alarmed him: the benzoate was damaging an important area of DNA in the "power station" of cells known as the mitochondria.

He told The Independent on Sunday: "These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it: they knock it out altogether.

"The mitochondria consumes the oxygen to give you energy and if you damage it - as happens in a number if diseased states - then the cell starts to malfunction very seriously. And there is a whole array of diseases that are now being tied to damage to this DNA - Parkinson's and quite a lot of neuro-degenerative diseases, but above all the whole process of ageing.

"The Food Standards Agency (FSA) backs the use of sodium benzoate in the UK and it has been approved by the European Union but last night, MPs called for it to investigate urgently.

Norman Baker, the Liberal Democrat chair of Parliament's all-party environment group said: "Many additives are relatively new and their long-term impact cannot be certain. This preservative clearly needs to be investigated further by the FSA."

A review of sodium benzoate by the World Health Organisation in 2000 concluded that it was safe, but it noted that the available science supporting its safety was "limited".

Professor Piper, whose work has been funded by a government research council, said tests conducted by the US Food and Drug Administration were out of date.

"The food industry will say these compounds have been tested and they are complete safe," he said. "By the criteria of modern safety testing, the safety tests were inadequate. Like all things, safety testing moves forward and you can conduct a much more rigorous safety test than you could 50 years ago."

He advised parents to think carefully about buying drinks with preservatives until the quantities in products were proved safe by new tests. "

My concern is for children who are drinking large amounts," he said.

Coca-Cola and Britvic's Pepsi Max and Diet Pepsi all contain sodium benzoate. Their makers and the British Soft Drinks Association said they entrusted the safety of additives to the Government.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Facts About Weight Loss Products and Programs

I've recently started a mission. I want to find the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Now I know the basics, "Those who eat healthier and incorporate strength training and cardiovascular exercise into their normal routine, have the best long term results." I know this, and you may know this, but there's something missing. I can't completely put my finger on it, but I know there is more to it. I know there is a psychological/behavioral aspect as well. I am determined to find what it's going to take to really help people lose weight. I mean serious, long lasting weight loss that really affects other people's lives. So if you read this, give me feedback. What is it that makes the big difference? Where's the lightbulb? I'm ready to see some lives changed. I'm tired of some people being successful, and others not. I want a 90% or higher success rate in people achieving their goals and their lives.

I want to attach a very good article from the FDA about weight loss products and programs, and the warning signs to look for. I never knew the FDA evaluated this. Take a look. It's a great read!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I received a fascinating e-mail the other day, and I can't get it out of my head. This isn't my typical post, so I apologize for those who are reading it and expecting some amazing fitness/diet information. I have a really good story I want to share with you about that, but not tonight. This is more of a post for other personal trainers who happen to run across my blog.

There are a lot of personal trainers that struggle to have clients to personal train. It's just like any other business out there. Trainers have bills to pay and so they are always in search of someone they can personal train. Trainers should be about more than just making money, and that's kind of the topic of this e-mail I received. Here's the quoted e-mail:


Typically, I spend most of my time talking to you about marketing, sales or systems - all those things that most fitness pros associate with growing their business and making more money. But I was listening to Dax Moy's Magic Hundred Audios the other day (for about the 100th time :)) and came across the section where he discussed people feeling that they deseved more. Yet, the word 'deserve' is derived from the from Latin d-serv-re - to serve zealously.
And only when Dax really embraced serving others at an even higher level than he ever had before, did his business really start to thrive.
What Dax was saying really struck a cord with me. We talk about serving our clients and getting them results - and often we do a very good job.
But we could do even better.
If you are truly extraordinary at what you do - the need to market decreases. People will seek you out.
See any ads for Rolls Royces lately?
Does this mean that you shouldn't market?
Of course not. You should market. You need to market.
But more importantly - you need to deliver EXTRAORDINARY service.
In our business that means alot of things, but it starts with being a great trainer. It starts with designing programs that always deliver on the promises that you make in your marketing. It starts with delivering results to your clients.
It's simple really: If you feel that you deserve more - deliver more service.
Help others get what they want. In turn, you'll get what you want.


I found that really fascinating. I truly try my best everyday to serve not just the people, like he mentioned in his article, but also to serve God in what I do. If you are in the personal training business just to make money, I will gladly suggest another field out there where you can make much more money without as much work. I don't want anyone to personal train someone who is truly struggling with something that is so personal and emotional as weight loss. If you can't care about the person in front of you, please go find another profession. It's only fair to the client and to you. Personal trainers, while not as critical to people as surgeons or doctors, can change someone's life in a positive or negative way. If you do the right thing, that person could have years added to their life and affect others along the way too, but when you treat a client the wrong way, it could be very detrimental. So if you got in this profession because you care about people, but suddenly became stressed about paying the bills, that's ok. It happens to everyone. But get back to serving the people like they deserve to be treated, and you will be able to pay your bills again.

For more information on personal training in the Katy, TX area, visit us at Medical Fitness Pros.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Workouts Delivered to Your E-mail Address

There are a lot of people around Katy that have great ambitions and strive to workout to get results, but all too often I watch people workout using incorrect form. I've been thinking a lot about the project I'm working on to help people get in better shape and how I can help do my part. I thought I would start by creating workouts that I could send to people that have safe, effective exercises that could easily be done at home. I don't have a real easy way of doing it, but I will put together pictures, descriptions, and videos that you can view anywhere you have internet access.
View an Example.
I'll e-mail new workouts to you monthly, and provide some fitness tips to you, as well as alert you about health and wellness events going on around Katy that particular month. If there is anything else I can provide to you, let me know and I'll do my best to include it.

Just add your e-mail address to the Katy Fitness Newsletter box, and I'll send you an at-home workout that you can do in your own living room.

Friday, March 02, 2007

How Serious is CVD?

I just finished watching the movie Amazing Grace and was blown away with the severity of the slave trade. I always knew it was a horrible time in the world, but I never understood how bad it was. The bad thing is that I know it is just a glimpse of the big picture of it all. I was amazed that more slaves died during the slave trade than actually made it to their destination. In fact it is estimated that during the peak of the slave trade (the 18th century) the death toll was probably around 8.1 million people. That's 80,000 per year, or 219 humans per day that died, needlessly. I started thinking about this and ran home to look up all of these statisticis. I love numbers, but the numbers I am sharing with you are just scary. I am so wrapped up in Cardiovascular Disease prevention at this time in my life, that I couldn't help but compare the severity of the slave trade to CVD. The slave trade was a horrible time in mankind, that forever leaves a stain, but what is today like for us? In recent years, approximately 105,560 African Americans will die from Cardiovascular Disease each year. That's 289 African Americans per day that died, needlessly. Most of the deaths of Cardiovascular Disease are preventable. PREVENTABLE! An average of 70 more African Americans die here in the United States each day from CVD, than from the disgusting slave trade that was rampant all over the world years ago. Does that make you think about it at all?

For me, all of this started with this post. More people are overweight in this world than starving. How is that possible? I sat down and and wrote a mission statement for myself and my surroundings. I couldn't let that continue to happen around me. Shortly thereafter I ended up being connected to Lois Grant from the Texas Dept. of Health who explained to me about various programs the department has. I decided I wanted to fight cardiovascualr disease in Katy. If you don't know much about Cardiovascular Disease, take a look at this video on entitled Take One Step. It's such an important thing to focus on, and it is something that is so often overlooked. So my goal is to gather up various health and medical professionals and do something about it. I can't sit around and let people die when we know how to save their lives. Join me in this fight. Changing the world would be great, but let's start with our neighbors and loved ones. Let's make Katy a healthier place.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Katy Health and Wellness Meeting

I had a great time meeting everyone who was able to attend the meeting. Thank you again so much for coming. It was truly an honor to meet each of you.

If someone passed this along to you, please let me know if you have any questions. I hope to meet more of you at the next meeting on Thursday, April 5th at 7:00 PM in the Education Center.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Restaurants Promote Extreme Eating

Most of us would agree that restaurants serve huge portions to us. I think we accept it as the American way. But I really don't think we understand how bad it is in some situations. I'm guilty of that too. Not following me, are you? Ok, take a look at this. Here is the Chipotle Calculator. I like Chipotle. And it seems pretty healthy. Why don't you see how many calories your order usually is. I ended up with 1,260 calories on my usual order. I haven't been back since I found this little tool. It kind of ruined it for me. There was an article I just read that talks about some items on menus that people are upset about. There's some restaurants that have menu items that are over 2,000 calories by themselves. That's a whole day's worth of caloric intake for a lot of people. Here in Houston, there's a dessert at the Cheesecake Factory that has 1,380 calories. And I thought my burrito was bad.

In related news, the restaurant that created the 15 pound burger a while back, recently created a 123 pound burger for sale at their restaurant. They are hoping to break the world record to 2 other restaurants that have 105 pound burgers. Read more about it. Is anyone else disgusted, or is it just me?
"Leigey said he didn't know how many calories were stuffed into his latest gigantic entree.
"If you were worried about calories you would be at home eating Kellogg's," he said."

Common painkillers raise heart risk

A recent Reuters story announces that Common Painkillers Raise Heart Risk. It appears that the painkillers aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen when taken by men most days of the week, were about 1/3 more likely to have high blood pressure than those who did not. Please take the time to read the entire article before you stop taking these medications. If you are suppose to take them, keep taking them. But maybe try to find a way to get to the point where you don't need them all of the time. The moral of this is, the less medicine you have to take, the better off you will be. But again, if you have to take it, don't stop just because of this.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Take One Step

PBS recently launched a website based off a recent documentary entitled, Take One Step. It talks exclusively about Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), the history, the causes, the warning signs, and how to prevent it. More of us will diet from CVD this year than from anything else. This isn't just men either. Did you realize that more women die from CVD than from 10 types of cancers combined. You are a lot less likely to die from Breast Cancer than you are from CVD. What baffles me is that CVD is preventable. Let me say that again, CVD is PREVENTABLE. Watch your cholesterol, don't smoke, keep your blood pressure low, eat healthy fruits and vegetables, and be active.
We, as Americans, have gotten lazy about so many things. We expect everything to be delivered to us on a platter. I'm just as guilty about this at times. We don't want to take the time to eat right, or exercise, or mow our own yard, or even read our own Bible. We truly are a spoon fed society. If it doesn't involve someone else doing it for us, we often don't do it. I don't know why we've become this, but it has to change. Go visit this website and watch the videos of the show (you don't even have to read it if you don't want to). Take measures to protect your and your family's health. Life is short. You don't have to make it shorter because of a few foolish decisions. Take care of'll be glad you did.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

New AHA Guidelines

In case you missed this in the news, the American Heart Association recently announced some new important guidelines. Here is a highlight of some of the recent changes:

- Recommended lifestyle changes to help manage blood pressure include weight control, increased physical activity, alcohol moderation, sodium restriction, and an emphasis on eating fresh fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products.
- Besides advising women to quit smoking, the 2007 guidelines recommend counseling, nicotine replacement or other forms of smoking cessation therapy.
- Physical activity recommendations for women who need to lose weight or sustain weight loss have been added – minimum of 60–-90 minutes of moderate-intensity activity (e.g., brisk walking) on most, and preferably all, days of the week.
- The guidelines now encourage all women to reduce saturated fats intake to less than 7 percent of calories if possible.
- Specific guidance on omega-3 fatty acid intake and supplementation recommends eating oily fish at least twice a week, and consider taking a capsule supplement of 850–1000 mg of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) in women with heart disease, two to four grams for women with high triglycerides.
- Hormone replacement therapy and selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) are not recommended to prevent heart disease in women.
- Antioxidant supplements (such as vitamin E, C and beta-carotene) should not be used for primary or secondary prevention of CVD.
- Folic acid should not be used to prevent CVD – a change from the 2004 guidelines that did recommend it be considered for use in certain high-risk women.
- Routine low dose aspirin therapy may be considered in women age 65 or older regardless of CVD risk status, if benefits are likely to outweigh other risks. (Previous guidelines did not recommend aspirin in lower risk or healthy women.)
- The upper dosage of aspirin for high-risk women increases to 325 mg per day rather than 162 mg. This brings the women’s guidelines up to date with other recently published guidelines.

You can read more of this report at the AHA's website.

Friday, February 23, 2007

No Need to Diet and Exercise to Lose Weight

"No need to diet and exercise to lose weight" SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS!!!

What an amazing headline I ran across! Well if you don't have to diet and exercise to lose weight, please tell me how I can do it too! This is revolutionary!

Well, fittingly enough, this story was published in the Oddly Enough section of Reuters. If you have never read the Oddly Enough section of Reuters, you should. There are some pretty crazy stories in there.

Anyway, back to the story....the story simple mentions that there was a controlled study done where one group was on a diet and another group was on a slightly higher calorie diet and exercised too. It turns out both groups lost the same weight. Which means calories in and calories out still rings true. They just found a better way of getting your attention because of the headline.

For me personally, I would rather keep exercising my body and my heart and have a diet that is not torture. Regardless, nutrition is 70-80% of your results no matter what you do. So if you pick anything to change to improve your health, start with your diet.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Go Red For Women

This month is Go Red For Women month. Did you know that heart disease is the number one killer for women? What are your risk factors for developing heart disease?

Experts Devise New Women's Heart Risk Predictor
Improved Cardiovascular Risk Predictor Developed for Women
Prediction of Heart Disease Risk Improved

I have tried to get pins for everyone to wear and I was giving them away at my gym, but we keep running out. I want Katy, TX to be more and more aware of this as time goes on, and hopefully prevent some unnecessary deaths over the coming years.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Artificial Disks

I've known about artificial disks for about 2 or 3 years now. I had a situation where an anaesthesiologist wanted me to help out a guy after he had an artificial disk put into his spine. It appears there are still trials underway for the artificial disks. I was excited at the time to be considered in helping with the recovery after he had the artificial disk implanted, but I never had the chance to help him. It appears that after the surgery, he had no problems, and he actually started playing golf again after the surgery. It was quite a shock to hear that everything turned out great and he was able to go on with a normal life. I don't want to go into a whole lot of specifics on how this procedure is done, but it may very well be the future for those with degenerative disks.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

This is just a post to share some stories happening around the U.S.

Innovative Collaboration to Help Curb West Virginia Obesity
I think it's great that West Virginia is taking important steps like this. I look forward to the day they do a story on Katy, TX!

Gaining Weight is Bad for Your Earning Power
While I hate bias among the world based on physical appearance, it's also good to know that people to work hard to get in better shape end up with a reward after all of the hard work. I truly believe anyone can make it if they make it a priority in their life.

Lap Band Surgery for Obese Youngsters
This really saddens me. Can't we all agree there's a better way?

The Crash Diet that Doctors Do
I just found this to be an interesting read. It's interesting how even the doctors have different opinions on what they should do to lose weight.

Obesity Ads Aim to Jolt Parents
Hmmm, no opinion on this one for now. Quite an interesting idea they are going with here.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Baby Steps

How many of us started a New Year's resolution this year? What was your New Year's Resolution again? If you have fallen off already, let's try it again but take a slightly different approach. Instead of having some huge goal, why not take small steps instead. You have to have little encouragements along the way. Jessica Sinn, at Texas State University - San Marcos, recently published an excellent article on taking Baby Steps to get to your goals. It's a great article on how to accomplish your New Year's Resolutions this year. Tips she mentioned include:

- Give yourself small rewards
- Find a friend to workout with or hire a personal trainer
- Schedule time in your schedule to workout

Weight Loss Drugs.....For Your Canine?

Everyone wants a magic pill to lose weight, well now there's one for your pet dog. It turns out that it's not just the owners of the pets that are overweight, but that habit has now been passed on to the pets, and now 40% of pets are overweight. The pills cost $1-2 a day but they also suggests that you exercise the pets and also alter their diet. It's amazing how we are now turning to quick fixes for even our pets now. If we would just alter our pets food and exercise habits, they would be in better shape and so would we. Maybe if we took our pets for walks we could get in better shape ourselves. It's amazing how our society has changed so much over the years. Read More

What will happen next? stay tuned.....

Healthier Doughnuts?

AOL recently printed a story that I see as a little bit misleading if you just glance over it, "Doughnut Makers Seek Healthier Recipes". It talks about steps that are being taken to make doughnuts healthier by eliminating trans fat. The problem is that eliminating trans fat, while is important, does not make a doughnut healthier. Expect to see the makers of trans fat free food to make a big push to be viewed as "healthy". Expect to see a lot more stories about trans fat in the near future.

Another Trans Fat Story: Women's Fertility

They are saying that trans fat also affects fertility in women. A UK story talks about how trans fat can affect fertility by as much as 70% or more. The story suggests that people who eat a lot of fast food may consume as much as 10 grams of trans fat a day. Take a look at the story and read more.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Lose Weight and Make Money?

SmartMoney has had some interesting articles lately, and a new one they just came out with is really fascinating to me. Losing Weight Will Fatten Your Wallet They say that losing 15 pounds will help you make $2,489. Here's their list, and you can visit their website for more information.

5 Points they make:
1) Latte Factor $783
2) Life Insurance $275
3) Health Insurance $680
4) Health Care Costs $151
5) Employer Incentives $600

Katy Group Meeting 11/15

If you are looking for something sweet in between meals, try eating something like a protein drink with a piece of fruit or some crystal light mixed in it for a unique flavor. If you need some recipes for a way to make a shake, let me know and I'll be glad to share them with you.

Another important aspect is how many calories you are consuming. You can use (use to compliment the website) to help you, you can use MyFoodDiary and track your meals and give you feedback, and MyWeightLoss has an excellent article on calculating your caloric needs and how to lose weight.

Goal for the group: Write down everything you are eating and how many calories and bring on Monday for discussion.

My end of discussion statement was the following:
My goal with this group is only to offer help and support. I can't make results happen for anyone. If I offer support to people, I am only with them for a limited amount of time for the week. What happens when I'm not around someone is even more important. If someone isn't ready for change, I can't force them to change. My presence doesn't make someone get results, and the lack of my presence doesn't prevent them from getting results if they are determined. I can only support, encourage, educate, and motivate someone to make better choices to achieve the results they desire. I am here for support, I can't make anyone get results unless they are ready to get results.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Want to Get Rich, Get in Shape

Kiplinger article on, "Want to Get Rich, Get in Shape"

Read the article for more.

Top 10 Things Your Fitness Club Won't Tell You

Smart Money recently published an article on the top 10 things your fitness club won't tell you. Some of these are irritating, and I have to argue back on them, especially in regards to where I work. They really demonize the gym industry. There is good and bad in any business, but I want to reply to their Top 10 list.

1. "If you're still here in April, it'll be a miracle." This is true. Most people that join in the beginning of the year, drop out, and I absolutely hate that. I can meet someone new and beg them to make changes otherwise they will drop off again, but they won't believe me. You have to get some help sometimes if you are going to try to accomplish something you've never done before.
2. "Don't touch anything -- this place is crawling with bacteria." True also. My gym does have wipes all over the gym, but there is bacteria everywhere. If this discourages you from joining a gym, let me add that I have worked in gyms for 10 years and I haven't been sick since around February of 2001, and rarely before that. I'm in the gym 8 - 1o hours a day. If eating healthy and keeping in shape keeps me from getting sick when I'm in there 50+ hours a week, you will be ok for the 2 - 3 hours you are in the gym.
3. "We're not equipped to handle health emergencies." This just isn't true for my gym. We have training, everyone is CPR trained, and we have electronic defibulators.
4. "Our trainers don't know what they're doing." Listen to me on this, it take 1 weekend for someone to become a personal trainer. Do your research and don't hire just anyone. I've already done some articles on this if you look around on this site, but there are several trainers that don't have a clue what they are doing. Lucky for members at our gym, our trainers have to pass the NASM, which is not easy for most trainers. It's pretty extensive, so lucky for our members, you have better trainers than most gyms.
5. "We won't let you quit." Don't enter a long term contract without reading the fine print. I'm so glad my gym is month to month. You can leave anytime with us, which is the way it should be.
6. "Be sure to read the fine print on our contract." Never sign anything without reading it first. That applies to everything in life.
7. "Our equipment can be downright dangerous." Again, my gym and some 24 hour fitnesses have a staff that does nothing but repair work on equipment. That's very important. I'm glad we have that.
8. "Everything is negotiable." I think memberships can sometimes be negotiated. That's not my department though, so my comments are pointless on this one.
9. "If your wallet gets lifted, it's not our problem." That's probably true. If you walk into a grocery store and your wallet gets lifted, I don't think they reimburse you either.
10. "Go ahead and sue; you'll never win." This isn't always true. Pay attention to what you sign. I've heard of cases where people have sued despite the club saying they are not responsible for things and win too.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Diet Myths That Won't Go Away

I want to share this AOL article because there are so many people that have trouble with these points. They list 10 myths on the website and explain each one of them. Here are there 10.

1. Myth: Calories eaten after 8PM turn to fat
2. Myth: To jump-start your diet, you should fast.
3. Myth: Low-carb (high protein) diets are the most effective route to weight loss.
4. Myth: Eating white foods is bad for you.
5. Myth: Drinking lots of water will help you lose weight.
6. Myth: When you're on a diet, drinking juice is a no-no.
7. Myth: All sugar is bad for you.
8. Myth: Exercising on an empty stomach burns more fat.
9. Myth: Drinking liquid meal replacements will help shrink your stomach.
10. Myth: Eating grapefruit will help you burn fat.

Suprised by some of the statements? Take a look at the article and learn more.

Friday, January 05, 2007

HURRY, HURRY, I HAVE TO LOSE WEIGHT, but how do I do it?

I am so overwhelmed at work right now with people wanting to get in shape. It's the new year and it's time to lose the holiday pounds. There are more people out there than I could ever help, so I thought I might type something now and refer people to it. I honestly have so much to do that writing on this blog is the last thing on my mind, but this information is important.

Reuters just published a story entitled, New Years Dieters can Binge on Publishing Boom. It is a good read and speaks a lot of truth. Every year there are tons of books that come out talking about different diets, but everyone wants to know the best one to follow. If you want to know the answer to that, avoid any book that is extreme or promises fast results. Pick something that is moderate that you can stick to for a life time. If you can do that, then you have yourself a winner. Some book ideas from the article are:

"You: On A Diet: The Owner's Manual for Waist Management" by Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz

The Diet Detective's Count Down: 7500 of Your Favorite Food Counts with Their Exercise Equivalents for Walking, Running, Biking, Swimming, Yoga, and Dance by Charles Stuart Platkin

The Biggest Loser Cookbook: More Than 125 Healthy, Delicious Recipes Adapted from NBC's Hit Show by Devin Alexander, Karen Kaplan, The Biggest Loser Experts and Cast, Bob Harper

The Serotonin Power Diet by Nina Frusztajer Marquis, Judith J. Wurtman

The F-Factor Diet: Discover the Secret to Permanent Weight Loss by Tanya Zuckerbrot

Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat: Secrets of My Mother's Tokyo Kitchen by Naomi Moriyama

The Best Life Diet by Bob Greene

Feed Your Tiger: The Asian Diet Secret for Permanent Weight Loss and Vibrant Health by Letha Hadady

The F2 Diet by Audrey Eyton

The Wine Diet by Roger Corder (I have no idea where to get this book)

Sleep Away the Pounds: Optimize Your Sleep and Reset Your Metabolism for Maximum Weight Loss by Cherie Calbom, John Calbom

That list should keep everyone busy for a while. I have not read any of these books, so unfortunately I can't comment on them directly. Take the time to read up on each of them, find something you think you can stick with, and follow it exactly for the rest of your life. Don't throw in the towel yet; you can get results and keep them. Just start eating healthier and move more. Those two components alone will take you a long way when you truly stick with it.

I hope to post again soon when I catch a break from the the meantime take a look at my old posts. There's a lot to read on here, so I hope you enjoy it. Until next time......

Jason Hodge

Certified Personal Trainer
Medical Exercise Specialist

Bringing over 13 years of personal training experience to the Katy, TX area, Jason Hodge strives to improve the health of local residents by helping them lose weight and eliminate pain. While Jason has numerous educational accomplishments, he feels that his greatest asset is his concern for others. Trying to lose or get out of pain is a very tough journey, physically and emotionally. It is my committment to help everyone that I can.

Jason Hodge has been featured in:

  • Katy Magazine
  • Absolutely Katy Magazine
  • Houston Chronicle

Jason Hodge also:

  • Has Been featured twice on a national radio show
  • Leads the Katy Chamber Health and Wellness Committee
  • 2007 Katy Sun Readers' Choice Award - Personal Trainer of the Year
  • 2008 Katy Sun Readers' Choice Award - Personal Trainer of the Year
His education experience includes:
  • Bachelors in Kinesiology
  • Coopers' Institute Certified Personal Trainer
  • NASM - Certified Personal Trainer
  • NASM - Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • NASM - Certified Performance Enhancement Specialist
  • Titleist Performance Institute - Golf Fitness Instructor
  • AAHFRP - Medical Exercise Specialist
If you are looking for a personal trainer, contact me today.