Prepare your meals ahead of time for the week. You can prepare your a weeks worth of food within an hour if you take the time to do it. We all have busy schedules today, but I spend about an hour every Sunday and can prepare all of my lunches and dinners for the week with that one hour. One of my favorite cookbooks is the Cooking Light 5 Ingredients 15 Minutes
. You can find lots of great, quick recipes that will allow you to prepare your meals quickly.
What if you are surrounded by people who eat unhealthy and they are a bad influence on you?
You have to take a stand at first and tell your family/friends that you are not going to eat at places you can't eat unhealthy. At first they will give you a hard time, but you have to stand your ground. Eventually your family/friends will begin to choose places that they know you will be able to eat at. Make it a game with yourself. Show them that you can resist the unhealthy things, and eventually your friends/family will begin to support you.
What if you are surrounded by people who eat unhealthy and they are a bad influence on you?
You have to take a stand at first and tell your family/friends that you are not going to eat at places you can't eat unhealthy. At first they will give you a hard time, but you have to stand your ground. Eventually your family/friends will begin to choose places that they know you will be able to eat at. Make it a game with yourself. Show them that you can resist the unhealthy things, and eventually your friends/family will begin to support you.
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