Your source for the latest health and fitness information in the Katy, TX area.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Are you a NEAT person?
Sunday, December 24, 2006
A New Year and a New Mindset
- How to Eat, Move, and Be Healthy!
- This is a book for the general population that discusses eating habits, stretching prescription based on posture deviations, and some general workout principals. The nutrition is based on eating by metabolic type. It's a good book that I've looked through. I haven't applied it to anyone's routine yet, but it does have some great information. I do recommend this book. He gets a little weird in some parts of it, but you have to overlook that. Paul Chek is new age in his thinking. In some ways I would consider him a genius, in other ways I completely disagree with him. His principals are solid though and could be followed by the average person, which is often missing from a lot of other diet books I've read.
- The Golf Biomechanic's Manual
- To be honest, I know some personal trainers that can't understand this book. It has the most detailed posture assessment I've ever seen, and I use it all the time. I can't wait until I can fly out to California and go through his golf certification class (based on the principals of this book). If you don't know the names of your muscles, you will have a hard time getting through this book. He goes through posture deviations in magnificant detail, explains what to do stretch by stretch, and how each stretch will improve your golf swing. I fell in love with it just from the technicality of it.
Going back to his article though. Take a look at it and learn the importance of stretching, and if you have trouble understanding it......that's what I'm here for. Just let me know.
Weight Loss Buddy
Anyway, I'm not completely sold on this program just yet until I hear from someone that's used it before and has had success with it. It sounds like a great concept. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Cybex Trazer

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Houston's Rank on the Fattest Cities List
Monday, December 18, 2006
Meeting Notes 12/18/06 Cooking Tips

What if you are surrounded by people who eat unhealthy and they are a bad influence on you?
You have to take a stand at first and tell your family/friends that you are not going to eat at places you can't eat unhealthy. At first they will give you a hard time, but you have to stand your ground. Eventually your family/friends will begin to choose places that they know you will be able to eat at. Make it a game with yourself. Show them that you can resist the unhealthy things, and eventually your friends/family will begin to support you.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Nutrition Warning on Clothing Labels?
- Bike Lanes on new roads
- Nutritional Information for meals at retail establishments
- Saturated Fat listed in nutritional information
- Park areas should be built into new housing areas
Those all seem to make sense, but not sewing helpline numbers into the clothing of those who are obese. They know they are struggling with obesity, and a phone number on the clothes is not going to help anything.
Why can't people understand that those who are struggling with being overweight need education, emotional support, and possibly accountability. They are humans and deserve to be treated with respect. They want to improve their health, but often don't know how to make it happen. Dr. Sattar really needs to understand how to treat others first, before he tries to solve their problems for them.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
How Do I Find a Good Personal Trainer?
If you want to know more about how I measure up, just visit the About Me section.
Tracy McGrady's Back Pain

I wish I had a chance to evaluate Tracy McGrady and see if something as simple as a posture deviation is causing his aches and pains. I'm sure he's recieving top care though, and hopefully whatever the problem is, they will find it and get him back on the court soon.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Expanding Portions = Expanding Waist
Monday, December 11, 2006
Meeting Notes 12/11/2006 The Mental Adjustment
Every single day is a new start. If you fail one day, get right back up again. You can't let one day ruin a week for you. Every day you should focus on your individual goals like it's your first day.
Keep focused on your goals. The mental is the biggest part. You can’t stick with the eating part without the mental aspect. You can’t stick out with the workout part without the mental aspect. You have to continue to stay focused.
What is the secret to being mentally prepared? There isn’t one. You have just have to want it bad enough. You have to treasure it and crave it in order to make it happen. You have to want the long term goal more than the temptation in front of you. The difference between those who make it and those who don't are the people that make it are able to focus on the long term goal.
There are numerous diets out there, and studies have shown that the results have been virtually the same no matter what diet you do. You have to find what works for you, and stick with it. You have to find the one that you can stay motivated on all the way through your results.
You have to be willing to stay focused on the goal at hand. You will probably have to give up something in order to stick with it. You must sell out totally and be willing to give up everything to do it. Something clicks and you will be determined no matter what the situation.
What will it take to get you that motivated? Do you have to throw away your old clothes? When there is no going back, you will find a way to make thing happen.
Mental Surrender!
What was the last thing that you really wanted in life? I mean really wanted. Something you had to sacrifice for. You were so determined that you were willing to do anything it took to get there. I recently heard about a husband and wife that paid off all of their debt in 17 months. 17 months! They had to be eating crackers and drinking water for that to happen, but they were so desperate to pay off their bills, their cars, their home, that they were willing to give up everything else for it. Do you want it that bad? Are you so completely sold out and determined to lose weight that you can say nothing else matters?
Is it really that serious? Does it have to be that extreme? If you are asking that or have tried in the past to lose weight and just couldn't make it happen, then yes it is that extreme. You have to burn everything behind you and be determined that there is no going back. If it means taking your money and putting a certain amount away each week, and promising yourself that you can only have it back if you lose the weight, then that just might motivate you. At the end if you don't make it, donate it to an organization of your choice. But if you stay focused, and what you were putting aside was precious to you, you would find a way to make it happen.
Eventually there just something that clicks. And when you reach that point, no matter what comes your way, it doesn't phase you. You end up sacrificing to make sure you eat right. You find ways to get workouts in, even when you don't feel like doing it. Something has to click though. Until it does, it will be a struggle, but once it does, you will never be the same again.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Breast Cancer Prevention
"If found to be causally related to breast cancer, physical activity would have
a substantial public health effect on the prevention of this disease, along with
its other positive health benefits," it added.
The study involved more than 36,000 women over several years.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Obesity: Exercise or Diet?
Bosses Push Staff to Eat Right, Exercise
Dan T. Cathy, president and chief operating officer of Chick-fil-A, Inc.
restaurants and a runner, has cajoled 265 company employees to run the January
Walt Disney World marathon or half-marathon with him. Most of the runners
joining him "have never done anything like that distance-wise," Cathy said of
his group. "There's a lot of first timers."
Cathy said he's motivated by his religious belief that the body is a temple and a more practical thought.
"We live in a time when there really is a healthcare crisis," said Cathy. "Every
segment of society needs to make a contribution."
Teens Who Take Multi-Vitamins Have a Healthier Lifestyle
Other Links:
Make Children's Health Routine with Fitness Routine, Eating Habits
Exercise When Young May Reduce Risk of Fractures Later in Life
A Side of Exercise with your McDonald's Fries?
Working Out Without a Gym (From the Other Side of the Pond)
Monday, December 04, 2006
Meeting Notes 12/04/2006 Getting Started
I. Local Resources
- A. Seminar Information (December 16th at 10:30 AM at *edited* or call 281-644-5300 Ext 431 for more information).
- B. Katy Area Farmer's Market (
- A. Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. You have to change something from a previous experience if you want this time to be different. You have to be able to see the mistakes.
- B. Looking Back - When you start moving forward, you can't look back. Once you have identified what happened in the past, move forward. If you changed things, then things are going to be different this time. Don't think about previous failures. This time will be different.
- C. You have to change something that forces you to move forward. You have to do whatever it takes. When you decide what you are going to do, don't let anything slow you down. If this goal is important for you, you shouldn't let anything stand in your way.
- D. Controlling your rewards. Slowly make changes. Even if you are changing just one thing, there is nothing wrong with rewarding yourself for doing well. Control your rewards though. If you have a celebratory meal for doing so well all week, limit yourself to just that one meal. If your celebration meal is on Saturday night, make it just that Saturday night, not Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night. If you decide to have your celebratory meal on Thursday night, wait until the following Saturday before you have your next special meal.
- E. Diet Drinks. I have a whole article on diet drinks and what the ingrediants that are in them do to your body, but here is a brief explanation of it. If you want the whole article, let me know.
Top Reasons Never To Consume Diet Soft Drinks!
1. Soft drinks steal water from the body. Caffeine is a diuretic which takes away more water than it provides to the body.. To replace the water stolen by diet soft drinks, you need to drink 8-12 glasses of water for every one glass of soft drinks that you consume!
2. Soft Drinks never quench your thirst, certainly not your body's need for water. Constantly denying your body an adequate amount can lead to Chronic Cellular Dehydration, a condition that weakens your body at
the cellular level. This, in turn, can lead to a weakened immune system and a plethora of diseases.
3. The elevated levels of phosphates in soft drinks leach vital minerals from your body. Soft Drinks are made with purified water that also leach vital minerals from your body. A severe lack of minerals can lead to Heart Disease (lack of magnesium), Osteoporosis (lack of calcium) and many other diseases. Most vitamins can not perform their function in the body without the presence of minerals.
4. Soft Drinks can remove rust from a car bumper or other metal surfaces. Imagine what it's doing to your digestive tract as well as the rest of your body.
5. Soft Drinks severely interfere with digestion. Caffeine virtually shuts down the digestive process. That means your body is essentially taking in NO nutrients from the food you may have just eaten, even that eaten hours earlier. Consumed with french-fries which can take WEEKS to digest, there is arguably nothing worse a person can put in their body.
6. Diet soft drinks contain Aspartame, which has been linked to depression, insomnia, neurological disease and a plethora of other illness. The FDA has received more than 10,000 consumer complaints about Aspartame, that's 80% of all complaints about food additives.
7. Soft Drinks are EXTREMELY acidic, so much so that they can eat through the liner of an aluminum can and leach aluminum from the can if it sits on the shelf too long. Alzheimer patients who have been autopsied ALL have high levels of aluminum in their brains. Heavy metals in the body can lead to many neurological and other diseases.
8. Soft Drinks are EXTREMELY acidic: The human body naturally exists at a pH of about 7.0. Soft Drinks have a pH of about 2.5, which means you are putting something into your body that is hundred of thousands of times more acidic that your body is! Diseases flourish in an acidic environment. Soft Drinks and other acidic food deposit acid waste in the body which accumulates over time in the joints and around the organs. For example, the Body pH of cancer or arthritis patients are always low. The sicker the person, the lower the Body pH.
9. Soft Drinks are the WORSE THING you can possibly put in your body. Don't even think of taking a sip of a Soft Drink when you are sick with a cold, flu or something worse. It will only make it that much harder for your body to fight the illness.
- F. Make Changes and Accept Responsibility For Yourself. You can't blame other people for anything. You have to take responsibility for you and you alone. It is your responsibility, while it helps when loved ones help you, you won't necessarily get support from others in your life.
- G. New Beginning is Now. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. That's a cheesy statement, but it's true. It is a new beginning. When you start this adventure, this is a whole new beginning.
- H. Thanksgiving is one meal and Christmas is one Day. Many times we wait until January 1st to start the yearly weight loss resolution. WHY? The Thanksgiving meal is just one meal, and Christmas is only one day. One day won't mess up your results, so why are you wanting an extra month to get started? Don't celebrate the whole week of Thanksgiving or the whole month of December for Christmas.
- I. Changing one thing is a step in the positive direction. You don't have to be perfect to make progress. Take it one step at a time. If you take a step in the right direction, you will see positive results. Make small positive changes and you will experience results.
- J. It has to cost you something. It has to give up something precious to you (time, money, etc...) We all take things more seriously when we have to give up something precious to us. I hate this fact, but it is true.
- K. Focus on God. Saturate yourself in God and His help. He can give you strength when you can't hold yourself up. When you lean on Him, you will find strength when you have none.
- L. Education and Accountablity. Both of these are crucial. Proper education is extremely important, but all of the knowledge in the world does you no good unless you follow it. Accountability is crucial to make everything work.
- M. Set a Deadline. Force yourself to stick to your original goal. It may not be comfortable, but you have to make a way to make it happen. If you say you are going to workout 3 days a week, do it no matter what.
- N. Three Focuses - Cardiovascular, Strength Training, Nutrition (Set goals for each category if possible.)
- Forget past mistakes, make this a new start.
- Make sure you get serious about this even if this cost you something.
- Set reasonable goals.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Weekly Meetings
Weight Loss Pills and the FDA
So now that I told you what not to spend money on, what should you spend your money on. The smartest thing you can do is begin to eat smarter and exercise first. After you have gotten past the initial weight loss, then you can start exploring supplements. Do the basics first. I'm not recommending anything on supplements right now. When I run across the miracle pill, I'll let you know.
Jason Hodge
Certified Personal Trainer
Medical Exercise Specialist
Bringing over 13 years of personal training experience to the Katy, TX area, Jason Hodge strives to improve the health of local residents by helping them lose weight and eliminate pain. While Jason has numerous educational accomplishments, he feels that his greatest asset is his concern for others. Trying to lose or get out of pain is a very tough journey, physically and emotionally. It is my committment to help everyone that I can.
Jason Hodge has been featured in:
- Katy Magazine
- Absolutely Katy Magazine
- Houston Chronicle
Jason Hodge also:
- Has Been featured twice on a national radio show
- Leads the Katy Chamber Health and Wellness Committee
- 2007 Katy Sun Readers' Choice Award - Personal Trainer of the Year
- 2008 Katy Sun Readers' Choice Award - Personal Trainer of the Year
- Bachelors in Kinesiology
- Coopers' Institute Certified Personal Trainer
- NASM - Certified Personal Trainer
- NASM - Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist
- NASM - Certified Performance Enhancement Specialist
- Titleist Performance Institute - Golf Fitness Instructor
- AAHFRP - Medical Exercise Specialist