Your source for the latest health and fitness information in the Katy, TX area.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The Facts About Weight Loss Products and Programs
I want to attach a very good article from the FDA about weight loss products and programs, and the warning signs to look for. I never knew the FDA evaluated this. Take a look. It's a great read!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

There are a lot of personal trainers that struggle to have clients to personal train. It's just like any other business out there. Trainers have bills to pay and so they are always in search of someone they can personal train. Trainers should be about more than just making money, and that's kind of the topic of this e-mail I received. Here's the quoted e-mail:
Typically, I spend most of my time talking to you about marketing, sales or systems - all those things that most fitness pros associate with growing their business and making more money. But I was listening to Dax Moy's Magic Hundred Audios the other day (for about the 100th time :)) and came across the section where he discussed people feeling that they deseved more. Yet, the word 'deserve' is derived from the from Latin d-serv-re - to serve zealously.
And only when Dax really embraced serving others at an even higher level than he ever had before, did his business really start to thrive.
What Dax was saying really struck a cord with me. We talk about serving our clients and getting them results - and often we do a very good job.
But we could do even better.
If you are truly extraordinary at what you do - the need to market decreases. People will seek you out.
See any ads for Rolls Royces lately?
Does this mean that you shouldn't market?
Of course not. You should market. You need to market.
But more importantly - you need to deliver EXTRAORDINARY service.
In our business that means alot of things, but it starts with being a great trainer. It starts with designing programs that always deliver on the promises that you make in your marketing. It starts with delivering results to your clients.
It's simple really: If you feel that you deserve more - deliver more service.
Help others get what they want. In turn, you'll get what you want.I found that really fascinating. I truly try my best everyday to serve not just the people, like he mentioned in his article, but also to serve God in what I do. If you are in the personal training business just to make money, I will gladly suggest another field out there where you can make much more money without as much work. I don't want anyone to personal train someone who is truly struggling with something that is so personal and emotional as weight loss. If you can't care about the person in front of you, please go find another profession. It's only fair to the client and to you. Personal trainers, while not as critical to people as surgeons or doctors, can change someone's life in a positive or negative way. If you do the right thing, that person could have years added to their life and affect others along the way too, but when you treat a client the wrong way, it could be very detrimental. So if you got in this profession because you care about people, but suddenly became stressed about paying the bills, that's ok. It happens to everyone. But get back to serving the people like they deserve to be treated, and you will be able to pay your bills again.
For more information on personal training in the Katy, TX area, visit us at Medical Fitness Pros.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Workouts Delivered to Your E-mail Address
View an Example.
I'll e-mail new workouts to you monthly, and provide some fitness tips to you, as well as alert you about health and wellness events going on around Katy that particular month. If there is anything else I can provide to you, let me know and I'll do my best to include it.
Just add your e-mail address to the Katy Fitness Newsletter box, and I'll send you an at-home workout that you can do in your own living room.
Friday, March 02, 2007
How Serious is CVD?
For me, all of this started with this post. More people are overweight in this world than starving. How is that possible? I sat down and and wrote a mission statement for myself and my surroundings. I couldn't let that continue to happen around me. Shortly thereafter I ended up being connected to Lois Grant from the Texas Dept. of Health who explained to me about various programs the department has. I decided I wanted to fight cardiovascualr disease in Katy. If you don't know much about Cardiovascular Disease, take a look at this video on entitled Take One Step. It's such an important thing to focus on, and it is something that is so often overlooked. So my goal is to gather up various health and medical professionals and do something about it. I can't sit around and let people die when we know how to save their lives. Join me in this fight. Changing the world would be great, but let's start with our neighbors and loved ones. Let's make Katy a healthier place.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Katy Health and Wellness Meeting
If someone passed this along to you, please let me know if you have any questions. I hope to meet more of you at the next meeting on Thursday, April 5th at 7:00 PM in the Education Center.
Jason Hodge
Certified Personal Trainer
Medical Exercise Specialist
Bringing over 13 years of personal training experience to the Katy, TX area, Jason Hodge strives to improve the health of local residents by helping them lose weight and eliminate pain. While Jason has numerous educational accomplishments, he feels that his greatest asset is his concern for others. Trying to lose or get out of pain is a very tough journey, physically and emotionally. It is my committment to help everyone that I can.
Jason Hodge has been featured in:
- Katy Magazine
- Absolutely Katy Magazine
- Houston Chronicle
Jason Hodge also:
- Has Been featured twice on a national radio show
- Leads the Katy Chamber Health and Wellness Committee
- 2007 Katy Sun Readers' Choice Award - Personal Trainer of the Year
- 2008 Katy Sun Readers' Choice Award - Personal Trainer of the Year
- Bachelors in Kinesiology
- Coopers' Institute Certified Personal Trainer
- NASM - Certified Personal Trainer
- NASM - Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist
- NASM - Certified Performance Enhancement Specialist
- Titleist Performance Institute - Golf Fitness Instructor
- AAHFRP - Medical Exercise Specialist